Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Anniversary, A Start, and a Tryout

So yesterday, July 31, D and I celebrated our seventh anniversary. I wanted to go fishing, but because the Chief's back was hurting, it didn't look to be in the cards. D and I instead settled for tying some flies together and we found a few surprises along the way.
After a couple of hours of studying patterns and technique as well as practicing, the Chief decided he wanted to try tying a fly. So we tied some Poppers together and then some Woolly Buggers. Neither the Chief nor D have shown a willing interest in watching and studying the Lefty Kreh DVD that came with the original kit, and I am too new at this to be much of a teacher. It was frustrating for all of us, but we got through it.

Well, as the day started cooling off towards the end, I started to get the itch and suggested we all go out fishing. It would give the Chief and I a chance to test our new equipment, and I still wanted to catch something on a fly I had tied. We decided on one of the local municipal lakes.

I wasn't expecting the bank to be so grown up, and I spent much of time in the beginning just trying to avoid catching garbage both on the bank and on the lake. D and the Chief were having similar difficulties.

I was using one of my newly made Poppers, and after 30 minutes, I finally broke the ice with a smallmouth minnow, all of three inches. Success! I then went to my trusty Prince Nymph, and pulled in a decent sized pumpkinseed fish. That was it. D had some strikes at one of the flies she had tied but didn't manage to set the hook. The Chief had no more luck.

That said, the Chief and I both like our new rod-and-reels. Casting was so much easier, and the fly rods themselves are far from being quality items. I can only imagine the improvement when I break down and purchase a nice rod.

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