Saturday, July 30, 2011

D Flys and the Party Grows Some More

 Following our second outing, D decided she was going to start fly fishing too. I looked out in the yard one evening to find her practicing casting on her own with my old rod. She asked me if I would teach her, but I declined, telling her that I had read it would be a really bad idea.

What I did do is ask the Chief to take D and get her a fishing license and some basic equipment that Friday. A few hours later, they returned with the same cheap kit the Chief and I had purchased. I tied on a tippet for her and some yarn, and off she went to practice casting.

Well, on Wednesday, I visited Bass Pro with D, to purchase some flies and to get the basic equipment to tie some of my own. I had the opportunity to spend about an hour with the salesman and learn, really learn the basics of what I was about to start. What an education! I eventually settled on a Lefty Kreh Bass Fly tying kit, more about that later.

I sat down when I got home and started watching the DVD. Well I couldn't resist and I tied a bend back that night, and two more the following morning. Now, I was just itching to try some of my own flies, so that evening, the Chief and I went to a municipal lake for a few hours. We caught nothing, but I still had fun.

That Sunday, the three of us headed back to our secluded pond. By this time, the heat was still oppressive, and our fishing showed it. However, my brother-in-law Black Sheep joined us. He had watched some YouTube videos the night before, and I think he knew more about what we were doing than I did. Nevertheless, it was a good day.

I broke the ice immediately. The Chief Pulled in four or five. After I made some fly recommendations and pointed Black Sheep to a guaranteed spot to catch a fish, he hauled in six or seven. Me, well I was in double-digits, mostly using my favorite prince nymph. I caught something like five different species including smallmouth. What a day!

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